How Much Does the ABA Programme Cost?
A typical ABA program consists of a prescribed number of:
- Direct-Line Therapy Hours per Week
- Supervision Hours per Month
- Consultation Sessions per Year
Depending on the clinical recommendation of one of our consultants (post-screening), a cost document will be sent to you based on the consultant’s assessment of your child’s learning needs. The recommendations will be individualised, hence the costs will also be individualised.
How Long Will the Intervention Last?
Typically, we recommend families to commit to an ABA program for at least 2 to 3 years, although progress is noted within the first few weeks of intervention.
How Soon Can We Start?
This depends on the availability of staff. If a team of therapists and a supervisor are available, then regular intervention can occur as soon as an initial training workshop is arranged. If staff are not available, then you would be informed of a potential start date and asked if you would like to be placed on the waiting list.
Can We Have Services after School and on Weekends?
We do provide services after school depending on the intervention needs of your child. We do not provide services on weekends.
Do You Need a Diagnosis to Commence Services?
No, we do not require a diagnosis to commence services, although it is important to highlight that the vast majority of the individuals who receive intervention from us have a diagnosis of ASD – i.e. we do not typically provide intervention for individuals with other diagnoses.
How Can We Obtain Funding?
Some families are able to access funding via independent charities, while others have been successful in obtaining funding through their local authority. The vast majority of the families who access our services, however, self-fund.
We Live out of the Area/Overseas, Can We Still Access Services?
Yes, we provide consultation services both within the UK and overseas.
What Are the Qualifications of the Staff?
All our program specialists (therapists who provide direct-line intervention):
- Hold at Least an Undergraduate Degree in Psychology or a Related Field
- Have Undergone a Month-Long Intensive Training Program
- Receive Ongoing Supervision and Training on a Weekly Basis
- Have Direct-Line Experience of up to 5 Years
All our supervisors and consultants:
- Hold Either an Undergraduate or Postgraduate Degree in Psychology/ABA or a Related Field.
- Have ABA Experience Ranging from 6 to 20 Years
Is Everyone a BCBA?
We have 3 BCBA members of staff: Zahira Ali, the Leeds Clinical Director and two of our Supervisors, Rosie Whitaker and Lynsey Hay. It is the Clinical Director’s role to provide regular oversight to the ABA programs of all families.
Can We Trial a Programme First?
There are a number of ways for you to trial ABA intervention:
- Ad Hoc Sessions
- Weeklong Intensives
- Short-Term Intensives
How Can I Work for You?
Please contact us directly at info@autismpartnership.co.uk for information regarding employment opportunities.
Get in touch with us with any further questions regarding our autism FAQs.